VIM – Minimal Setup Explained




Set nocp

This changes the values of a LOT of options,

Enabling features which are not Vi compatible

But really really nice.


Set digraph

Enables input of special characters by a combination of two characters.

Example: Type ‘a’, erase it by typing CTRL-H –

and then type ‘:’ – this results in the umlaut: ä

So Vim remembers the character you have erased and combines it

with the character you have typed “over” the previos one.


Set ek

Enables recognition of arrow key codes which start off with an ESC.

This would normally end your current mode (insert/append/open mode)

and return you command mode (aka normal mode), and the rest of the

code would trigger commands. bah! Although I dont use the arrow

keys often, I sometimes want to use them with replace mode and

Virtual editing And I don’t want to be *that*

Compatible to vanilla vi, anyway. .


Set hid

Allows hiding buffers even though they contain modifications

which have not yet been written back to the associated file.


Set ru

Shows the “ruler” for the cursor, ie its current position

with line+column and the percentage within the buffer.

This saves me typing CTRL-G (or better “g CTRL-G”) –

And many users like this feature, too.

And it is nice when showing Vim.


Set sc

Show the input of an *incomplete* command.

So while you are typing the command “y23dd

You will see “y23dd before you type

The last ‘d’ which completes the command.

Makes learning Vi much simpler as you get

Some feedback to what you have already typed.


Set vb

Chose “visual bell” effect rather than “beeping”.


Set wmnu

Make use of the “status line” to show possible completions of

command line commands, file names, and more. Allows to cycle

Forward and backward throught the list.

This is called the “wild menu”.


Set noeb

Turn off the bell. You do know the “beep”

You get when you type ESC in normal mode?

Be nice to your co-workers – turn it off! 😉


Set noet

When inserting text do not expand TABs to spaces.

While I try to avoid all control characters in text

I can make good use of TABs when typing a table.

And I know I can always make Vim expand the TABs later

(using the “:retab” command). Your mileage may vary..


Set nosol

Prevent the cursor from changing the current column

When jumping to other lines within the window.

(And if you like that then you’ll “virtual editing” with Vim-6! 🙂


Set ai

Automatic indentation. This automatically inserts the

indentation from the current line when you start a new line;

in insert mode you would start a new line by ending the current

one by inserting CTRL-J or CTRL-M – and in command mode you’d

“open” a new line with either ‘o’ or ‘O’ for below or above the

Current line, respectively.

By the way, “autoindent” is actually a feature of vanilla vi.


Set bs=2

Backspace with this value allows to use the backspace character

(aka CTRL-H or “<-") to use for moving the cursor over automatically inserted indentation and over the start/end of line.


Set fo=cqrt

The formatoptions affect the built-in “text formatting” command.

The default value omits the “flag” ‘r’ which makes Vim insert a

“comment leader” of the line when starting a new one.

This allows to add text to a comment and still be

Within the comment after you start a new line.

It also allows to break the line within a comment

Without breaking the comment.


Set ls=2

This makes Vim show a status line even when only one window is shown.

Who said a status line is only useful to separate multiple windows?


Set shm=at

This shortens about every message to a minimum and

thus avoids scrolling within the output of messages

and the “press a key” prompt that goes with these.


Set tw=72

This explicitly sets the width of text to 72 characters.

After each completion of a word in insert mode

Vim checks whether its end is past this width;

if so then it will break the word onto the next line.

Note that Vim will remove trailing spaces when applying

the word wrap – a feature which many editors are missing

(and which will leave trailing spaces, of course).

NOTE: The word wrap applies only when the *completed* word

goes over the line; when you insert a word before that

which moves other words over the line then Vim will *not*

break the words at the end of the line onto the next line!

Programmers certainly don’t want that. It’s a feature!!


Set ww=<,>,h,l

There are several commands which move the cursor within the line.

When you get to the start/end of a line then these commands will

fail as you cannot go on. However, many users expect the cursor

to be moved onto the previous/next line. Vim allows you to chose

which commands will “wrap” the cursor around the line borders.

Here I allow the cursor left/right keys

As well as the ‘h’ and ‘l’ command to do that.


Set com=b:#,:%,n:>

Vim can reformat text and preserve comments (commented lines)

even when several kinds of comment indentation “nest” within.

(This is very useful for reformatting quoted text in Email and News.)

But you need to tell Vim how the comments look like.

Usually a comment starts off with some string,

Which may require a following blank.

Comments may also span over lines by starting off with some string,

skipping some middle part, and then end with another string


I simply removed the “/* foo */” commenting from the

default value and added that ‘)’ can also be “nested comments”.

List listchars

Set list

Set lcs=tab:»·

Set lcs+=trail:·

This option is cool! Or let’s say that

“other editors don’t have that at all.”

These characters are called “list characters”

As they are related to the list option

Of vanilla vi:

This will show the end-of-lines by adding a

‘$’ sign after the last character of each line,

And by replacing all TABs by ‘^I’.

However, it is much nicer to still have TABs

Shown in expanded form.

Vim takes it one step further by

Also making trailing spaces visible.

Being able to see EOLs, TABs, and trailing space

Has become an absolute MUST with every editor.


Set vi=%,’50

Set vi+=\”100,:100

Set vi+=n~/.viminfo

The idea of “viminfo” is to save info from one editing session

for the next by saving the data in an “viminfo file”.

So next time I satrt up Vim I can use the search patterns from

the search history and the commands from the command line again.

I can also load files again with a simple “:b bufname”.

And Vim also remember where the cursor was in the files I edited.

See “:help viminfo” for more info on Vim’s “viminfo”. :-}


I have grouped the options such that the Boolean ones

(read: on/off true/false) come first, then those with

a short amount of “flags”, and after that the ones

With a very long value.

With all “:set” command you can leave out the colon

before the “set” when you put them into the setup file.

And you can set many options in one command line.

The values of the options “comments”, “listchars”, and

“viminfo” can become quite long, so I have broken them up

In the table into several “set” statements, using

:set += to add further value to the current one.

Getting help on options:

You can get help about options and their values with

:help option.

You need not enter the full option name –

Many option names have abbreviations, eg

“ai” abbreviates “autoindent” – and

‘tabstop’ can be abbreviated with “ts”.

And it suffices to enter “h” instead of “:help”.

Isn’t “:h ai” much shorter than “:help autoindent”?

Caveat: :h ts gives you the help on

The command :ts;

but when you want info on the *option* “ts” the you

should add at least one “tick” before or after it,

Ie :h ‘ts

Or :h ts’.

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