Implementing RealTime Image Moderation API Free

Be able to detect any improper words in a given image. Be able to filter any unwished content on your platforms. Consider that that the Image Moderation API will do all of the above, but only with a click of a button and in just a few seconds. While learning how it works and deciding if it is the right filter for your business, we invite you to continue reading. Keep reading and find out how this great moderation tool works! We invite you to read this article until the end so you can learn everything you need to know about this powerful content moderation system. What is the Image Moderation API? So, what is this image moderation API? Well, it is an online service that lets you effectively moderate any kind of content you have on your websites or applications. It does so by providing you with a comprehensive filter that will detect and block any inappropriate content. But…  How does it work? The way this Image Moderation API works is quite simple. Firstly, after signing up for an account, each user will be given a unique endpoint. This endpoint will distinguish your profile from the rest and allow it to communicate with our Image Moderation API. Secondly, you will have to give your endpoint access to your own platforms or websites so it can retrieve information about any images that are uploaded with it. And thirdly, the Image Moderation API will then examine the image URL that was given to it by the endpoint and identify any inappropriate content within it!  If yes, then this tool will instantly block the image and inform you of what happened. Besides that, you will receive two outputs: a percentage between 0.01 and 0.99 that measures how similar the contents of the image are to the ones in the banned list; and a confidence level from 0.01 to 0.99 that measures how closely the image’s content matches what is in the banned list! It’s that easy! The Image Moderation API options The Image Moderation API offers three types of plans: Basic, Pro and ProPlus. Each one differs in its number of requests available per month; as well as in other additional features like the confidence level or custom domain access! Moreover, besides these three choices, we also provide an option entirely suitable to your needs or company size: the Custom plan! You can choose between all four options depending on what best suits your needs! Here’s a brief description of each one’
Be able to detect any improper words in a given image. Be able to filter any unwished content on your platforms.

You can check Text Moderation in Images API for free here.

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