Goodvest, responsible investment rhymes with profitability!


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Published on 03/01/22 at 09:00

In a few months, Goodvest has established itself as one of the flagships of fintech. This success can be explained by its choice to offer financial, responsible and profitable products.
Investing for your future is good. Being able to take advantage of it is better! With Goodvest, you will benefit from attractive returns and portfolios respecting the objective of the Paris agreements. Indeed, by ensuring that the funds respect the objective of a maximum of 2°C of global warming, Goodvest makes sustainable development rhyme with profitable.
Launched in 2021, Goodvest is not content to choose its financial products according to more or less green labels and systematically excludes harmful sectors such as tobacco, armaments, fossil fuels and all companies that do not respect the pact of United Nations on Human Rights. This desire for transparency is not a simple posture because with Goodvest, there are no hidden costs. The funds are in clean share1 and their carbon footprint and their compositions are available at any time.

Responsible savings accessible to all

Because there are no big or small investors, everyone can benefit from Goodvest's expertise in responsible investment. A few minutes are enough to register on the site and make your first investment. With a minimum investment amount of €500 (€300 for those under 26), Goodvest represents one of the most accessible offers on the market and above all one of the most reliable.
Depending on your desire to take (or not) risk, your funds can yield up to 10% per year. In this case, it will take a certain endurance and composure in the face of the sometimes chaotic movements of the financial markets. If the emotional roller coaster isn't for you, Goodvest offers plenty of funds that play it safe. A real tailor-made solution that takes into account your investment horizons, your taste for risk and, of course, your values. This is what ethical and responsible finance really is.

Invest safely

The funds invested with Goodvest are managed by companies that are both recognized and pioneers in responsible investment. Goodvest offers a life insurance package, insured by Generali, 3rd European insurer, which adds even more solidity to the offer. The contracts are honored in the form of life insurance and, if necessary, your savings are always accessible. Finally, because all the funds are clean share1, the entry, exit or deposit fees as well as the performance or arbitration fees amount to 0%. You will also not pay retrocession fees on investment vehicles or performance fees. Goodvest only remunerates 0.9% of the amount under management.

A tailor-made portfolio

All the funds offered by Goodvest are composed of bonds and equities. The higher the percentage of bonds, the safer your investment will be. Obviously, the less it will be subject to market fluctuations, the less it will earn. Depending on each person's profile and needs, Goodvest offers five risk profiles:
Secured and its rate of 3.72% per annum, composed of 28% Shares and 72% Bonds.
Cautious which yields 5.28% per annum and which contains 43% of Equities and 57% of Bonds.
Voluntary for 7.71% per annum and its 60% shares and 40% bonds.
Ambitious at 9.21% per annum thanks to 70% Equities and 20% Bonds.
Bold and its 10.75% per year, with 81% shares and 19% bonds.
These are annualized performances over the period from 31/12/2016 to 31/12/2021. These are gross of tax and net of Goodvest management fees, administrative management fees for the life insurance contract and the underlying instruments.
Investment being a personal choice, Goodvest offers you a tailor-made service that allows you to decide which sectors to support, and gives you the opportunity to invest according to your convictions. You therefore have the choice of investing in different themes, such as ecological transition, access to water, health, technological innovations or emerging countries.
Visit the Goodvest website to discover the investment solution that suits you and benefit from profitable and responsible savings today. By entering the code LESNUMERIQUES, when you register, you start by earning three months of management fees. Nothing like it, to dare to start.

1Represent fund units without retrocession

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